
Monday, March 23, 2015

The Book Is Selling Out!

Many friends and acquaintances will already know that 12 year old David H. Scott penned a Minecraft themed novel in late 2014, and then self-published it.

In addition to sales on Amazon (in both Kindle and printed softcover editions), David's book has been selling quite well locally. With local promotion that has included two local newspapers featuring him in recent issues, several shops in Orangeville are stocking the book.

The largest bookstore in town, BookLore, called last week - they sold out of their first delivery and need more! The printed copies have sold so well that David needs to order more from the printer to keep up with the demand.

The book, entitled "The Chosen: Tales of the Ablockalypse " features Steve who is just a normal guy that gets caught up in an adventure to save the world. All the reviews of the book thus far have been very positive with one reviewer even suggesting that at 12 years old, David writes better than most adults.

We put together a press release and online press kit for David, and you can find out more about the book there.

In addition, you can read the press coverage that David received:

The Orangeville Banner

The Orangeville Citizen (PDF - Page A7).

from Copy of Amazon Book Reviews Alerts

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.


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