
Monday, March 23, 2015

Slaugtherhouse Five- Priming for four corners

1. I disagree with this because throughout the book we see Vonnegut place his own experiences throughout the book to give us a feel of the true horrors of war and the no good it does for the world. I think it is also important at the beginning of the book when Bernard V O'Hare's wife tells Kurt not to glorify war, and he responds to saying there is nothing glorious about war.

2. I strongly agree that Kurt used the phrase "so it goes" to show the little significance that death has in war. It makes the reader quickly hurry on and gives it a fluidity that makes you keep reading and not be able to stop and think about the deaths or how many people died or how they died.

3. I agree with the sense of free will that the Tramalfadorians incorporate into their society. It is a nice way of living and makes life less of a stressful experience and lets you sit back and live life in the now instead of constantly worrying about what will happen to you in the future

4. I agree that Billy in a sense is trying to reinvent his life with the use of Science-fiction novels. Science fiction allows Billy to escape his confusing and brutal life and live in a world where he still finds interesting in worth living in. This allows him to travel wherever in life and have experiences that only he has had. This is very important to Billy because he often states that he does not care to leave this life and die.

5. I disagree, I think without Kilgore, Billy would be a much more sad soul and would not be able to find happiness anywhere in life. Kilgore's books serve as a getaway to Billy, Which is very significant in Billy's state of mind.

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