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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1

Given the concept of the The Old Guard — an immortal group of warriors who bond while operating as mercenaries — an anthology telling more stories about the characters through time is an excellent choice. The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1 contains two stories. The first, “My Mother’s Axe”, is by Greg Rucka and Leandro Fernández, the creators of the original miniseries. Andy is training Nile on fighting and tells her about the weapon she’s using. It’s a twist [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Arsenal FC: The Game We Love

I was curious about Arsenal FC: The Game We Love because I know very little about football (as most of the world terms it; “soccer” to us US heathens). After reading this loving tribute by Philippe Glogowski, I don’t know much more about the sport or how one wins a game, but I do feel that I’ve been introduced to all the best and favorite moments of the past twenty years or so for this team (dating from 1996-2016). It’s [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Over My Dead Body

Over My Dead Body by Dave Warner has an irresistible concept (at least for me): what if Sherlock Holmes was frozen in his plunge over the Reichenbach Falls and woken in the current day? And what if he wound up working with a female descendent of Dr. Watson? It’s not an original idea, of course — there are at least two TV movies with the same premise. (The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1987) also uses cryogenics; the better Sherlock Holmes [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Adler (Collection)

The Adler miniseries, promoted as a “League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen”, has now been collected. It’s written by Lavie Tidhar and illustrated by Paul McCaffrey. I was not fond of the first issue. The story didn’t substantially change in future issues, but I was more entertained by it, read all at once. The action careened from one ridiculous happening to another. In one issue, that felt slight; as one longer ride, it was less annoying to me. Plus, there were more [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Cheer Up! Love and Pom Poms

Cheer Up! Love and Pom Poms is the perfect graphic novel for fans of the cult classic movie But I’m a Cheerleader. As written by Crystal Fraiser and illustrated by Val Wise, Cheer Up! is a sweet teen romance. The outcome isn’t a surprise; don’t worry, there’s the expected happy ending. Only now, thank goodness, it’s not the only story around about a lesbian cheerleader. Or the only one featuring a trans character. We’ve come a long way, particularly in [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Sherlock: The Great Game Manga, Original and Translated

Given that I don’t read Japanese, it’s rare I get to make direct comparisons between an original manga volume and its English translation. So I was excited to see how much I could find out about Sherlock: The Great Game. This is the third, concluding volume in the manga series telling the story of the BBC show Sherlock‘s first season. It was published in English by Titan in 2018. I have a copy of the original Japanese printing of the [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Becoming Brianna

Terri Libenson’s latest in the Emmie & Friends series — after Invisible Emmie, Positively Izzy, and Just Jaime — follows the same model, alternating copiously illustrated diary sections with large-panel comics. In Becoming Brianna, the diary pages describe the past, while the comics show the present. Brianna is Emmie’s best friend, and as we saw in Positively Izzy, she’s subject to stage fright. That makes what she’s doing more of a challenge for her — she’s celebrating her bat mitzvah. [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Chéri, My Destiny!

Chéri, My Destiny! LOOKS like a cute food manga about two young men falling for each other while making sweets, but by the time we reach the final chapter (of four) in the story, it’s well earned its Mature (18+) rating. Sakura manages a shop that sells Western-style chocolates and desserts near a confectionary that sells Japanese-style treats. Sakura gets competitive, so he checks the other place out, where he sees that they’ve got lots of young female customers. Sakura [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Cocktail Companion

This thorough “guide to cocktail history, culture, trivia, and favorite drinks”, as the subtitle has it, is comprehensive. It’s full of useful and interesting information — maybe too much. It’s a shame that the presentation isn’t as professional as the content. The Cocktail Companion by Cheryl Charming is laid out as though it was printed from web pages. It’s a larger-sized paperback, and it’s a chore to read. Given the page width, columns would have been preferred to the full-width [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.


Olive, the plucky heroine of Kayla Miller’s Click and Camp, returns in Act. It’s a timely story, as so many young people are becoming more socially and politically aware. She participates in her school elections and navigates some tricky political waters, and it’s thrilling to see her awareness open to the struggles of others. Like so many people, Olive gets involved in politics when she discovers an issue that matters to her. Her class goes on a theater field trip, [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Doom Patrol: The Complete Second Season

I have done myself, and you, a disservice, by watching Doom Patrol: The Complete Second Season several months ago (it was released at the end of January), making notes, and then neglecting to write them up while I still remembered the details of the show. (The studio provided a review copy.) Now, the main recollection I have of these nine episodes is that I’m glad they got me to watch the first season of the show, because it’s a refreshingly [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

The Sign of the Four

Sometimes, I am very grateful for the opportunities I’ve had. I was recently on an episode of Comic Beat Insider where we talked about The Extraordinary Adventures of Adêle Blanc-Sec. The other guest was Ian Culbard, an artist whose work I was unfortunately unfamiliar with. When I looked him up later, I discovered that, among other graphic novels, he’d done versions of the four Sherlock Holmes novels, adapted by Ian Edginton. (He’s credited for that work as I.N.J. Culbard.) Just [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Violet Holmes and the Agents of H.I.V.E.: Adventures of a Teenage Detective

Violet Holmes and the Agents of H.I.V.E. Volume 1: Adventures of a Teenage Detective is a graphic novel about Sherlock Holmes’ daughter. It’s got a lot of reasons to recommend it, although it’s a pretty bad comic. I am going to try and avoid using that unwieldy title again, to start. Violet Holmes is one of the early publications from Orange Pip Books, started in 2019 as a division of the longer-established MX Publishing, which puts out Holmes-related books, both [...]
from Comics Worth Reading

Sourced by "The typist writer". The place where writers, bloggers, and publicists come to expand their knowledge in the field content production and publication.

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